Monday, July 11, 2011

Pink Bowel and Green Apple

This one was an experiment after seeing one of the challenges on Daily Paintworks. The challenge was to paint using one stroke per color, not reworking it or fussing with any of your strokes. It was a great exercise. It produces a more loose, abstract painting. Keeps the color more pure and "un-muddied". I tried to set up a pretty simple still life and I like the colors.

Psalms 1:1-2
"God blesses those people who refuse evil advice and won't follow sinners or join in sneering at God. Instead, the Law of the Lord makes them happy, and they think about it day and night."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Denna, love this painting and all others you have done so far. Good job and keep it up. You are an inspiration for all my patients. Dr.M